Earning $GRVE

CroSkulls need $GRAVE right? Of course they do! Keep reading to find out how your CroSkull can earn $GRAVE.

What can I do with $GRAVE?

$GRVE is needed for all sorts of things in the CroSkull ecosystem, including:

  • Buying Season Eggs to mint your own combat pets.

  • Write your personal story for your CroSkull which is stored on-chain. (Done through the tavern section).

  • Purchasing in-game assets such as consumables (Weapons, Crystals, Gems).*

  • Vote on proposals (DAO).

  • Staking in the Bank to increase yield. (Yield Farm)

  • Participate in the Bonesville Raffles

  • (And many of the future features within our ecosystem)

How do I earn $GRVE?

Earning through staking your CroSkulls.

Earning $GRVE is simple! Your CroSkulls earn it while they are on their adventures! (CroSkull staking) Each CroSkull will earn 3 $GRVE daily while on its adventure, but be careful, if it returns home too early, a portion of its generated $GRVE gets burned. (Malus starts at 80% burn, and goes down 2.5% daily, allowing you to harvest the full amount generated with 0% after 32 days). You can also earn $GRVE by investing it in the Bonesville Bank! You will be able to receive interest on your $GRVE deposit and increase your yield day by day! $GRVE can also be purchased on mm.finance from the ($GRVE/CRO or $GRVE/MMF Pool) as well as on croswap.com from the ($GRVE/CRO Pool). Here's how:

  • Connect your wallet (e.g. Metamask / Defi wallet)

  • Click 'Adventure' to stake your Croskull! You will earn 3 $GRVE every day for each CroSkull you currently have in Adventure.

Earning through LP Farming.

Users can provide GRVE/CRO LP on both mm.finance and croswap.com.

After doing so they can go to our Bank > LP Farm section of the Dapp. And stake their LP Tokens for rewards in $GRVE, or $RUDE if they choose to.

LP Farm ( Stake GRVE/CRO LP Token receive $GRVE ).

Last updated