
CroSkull rewrites the staking concept by making it something more, something adventurous!

In the adventure mode, the heart of the project, the Croskull can be sent on an adventure and will passively earn 3$GRVE every day while they are on their adventures. They will earn $GRVE daily for the duration of the season. In addition, each Croskull will earn 1 $SLS for every 30 days spent on Adventure without claiming the earned Grave early.

The adventures will have a different theme each season, and this theme will affect the pet eggs that will be available for sale form the merchant as well as different available missions.

How Long a Season Adventure last?

A Seasons Adventures last exactly 100 days. Each season will have allocated $Grave rewards equal to a max possible payout of 2,299,500 $GRVE (If all CroSkulls are staked, and all EvoSkulls are minted and receiving 9 $GRVE daily). Unredeemed Tokens (Based on how many NFTs are not staked) will be burned at the end of each season. This will allow the token to keeps it value as well as limit the supply of the token.

How often can I redeem Adventure Rewards?

Immediately! Your CroSkulls earns $GRVE every 10 seconds, but be careful! Redeeming the rewards too early may not be so beneficial! After you earn your first coin a penalty bar will start, which will burn part of the earnings if redeemed too soon. The Malus Bar starts at 80%. Burning 80% of accumulate rewards if you were to claim. The Burn Malus decreases by 2.5% each day until it reaches 0% after 32 days. By not claiming the rewards immediately, players with Croskulls on adventure (In staking) will also receive 1 $SLS (Soul) for each Croskull in adventure if left unclaimed for 30 days. The longer you leave the rewards unclaimed, the more of your reward you will be able to claim. Being able to claim the full reward after 32 days!

S2, Pro Claim and Piggy Bank

With the start of S2, a new claim function, the Pro Claim, the Piggy Bank and several more updates were introduced.


  • It is no longer necessary to unstake your CroSkulls between the seasons.

  • Grace period to claim $GRVE after each season ends.

There will be an approximate 2-week transition time between each season to implement new features, updates and changes. During this period, you can still claim your $GRVE earned in the adventures, but you will no longer gain $GRVE daily, and Malus won’t decrease either. The allocated $GRVE for each season left unclaimed at the start of the next season, will be burned.

Pro Claim

When claiming the $GRVE harvest by your CroSkull you will have a choice between the “Pro Claim” and the “Classic Claim”.

Classic Claim

Claims your “Available to Withdraw” $GRVE and adds it to your wallet.

Pro Claim

  • Claims your “Available to Withdraw” $GRVE and adds 70% of it to your wallet.

  • The other 30% are placed in a “Piggy bank” for 60 days. (Not locked)

Both claim functions reset burn malus back to 80%, and the 1 $SLS reward per CroSkull for leaving the $GRVE unclaimed for 30 days is rewarded regardless of which claim function you use.

The Piggy Bank

Leaving the $GRVE in the Piggy Bank rewards you with daily $RUDE equal to 0.3% of what you have in your “Piggy bank”. You can choose to break your “Piggy bank” and withdraw the $GRVE inside it, but you then lose the benefits of the daily $RUDE.

How many CroSkulls can I send on an adventure?

As many as you want! The adventures have allocated rewards in case of all the 6,666 CroSkull are on adventures and all 333 EvoSkulls are claiming their 9 $GRVE daily. The choice is yours to send 1 or to send an entire army and earn your $GRVE and $SLS! Consider this the first step in building your own empire in the Underworld!

Last updated