
Pets have always been Croskull's closest companions.

The Underworld is full of all kinds of creatures. During the CroSkulls adventures to the different regions of the Underworld, the CroSkulls often find regional eggs. Each season of CroSkulls explore new regions of the Underworld. Each season will have different seasonal pets. Once the eggs hatch, you will acquire a seasonal pet from that egg’s region of the Underworld.

How do I get a Pet?

To acquire a Pets you will need $GRVE tokens. The way to obtain $GRVE is by sending your CroSkulls on adventures, staking $GRVE in the bank, and exchanging the rewards back to $GRVE, or by purchasing $GRVE from the LP. Every season of CroSkulls, the Egg Merchant will sell limited seasonal eggs at the cost of $500 $GRVE. Each egg will come from the region the CroSkulls are exploring that season on their adventures! Once all the eggs have been sold, you can buy them in the form of NFTs from other players, or wait for the next season. The hatching of the Pets' eggs takes place in the Pets Laboratory section on our Dapp, where you will be able to hatch your eggs and reveal your seasonal pet.

What can pets do?

A Pet, like the EvoSkulls, can channel the power of $SLS (Soul) and use it to become stronger and stronger. Each pet has 7 attributes with different rarities and 5 stats that can be leveled up to a maximum of level 10. (+ 1 TYPE: dark/light) The starting stats are divided into 5 categories (STR = 4, INT = 4, CONTS = 4, WISD = 4, DEX = 4) Power = 20; at level 0 each of them will have value 4. Only the 6 legendary pets will have increased stats at starting level (STR = 5, INT = 5, CONST = 5, WISD = 5, DEX = 5) Power = 25 + 1 legendary trait; this will make them unique not only in design but also in terms of game dynamics.

Pets will be able to use their fighting strength during missions or Croskull Rivals mode.

When participating in Missions/Fights the higher the stats, the higher your chance for success. In terms of starting stats, the EvoSkulls have the highest, followed by the seasonal pets and common pets. (EvoSkulls > Seasonal Pets > Common Pets)

Leveling up

Pets start at level 0 when they are hatched. By using the $SLS acquired from missions, you can increase your pet’s levels. Each level will require more and more $SLS. The higher the stats, the bigger you chance for success. Higher levels will allow you to undertake more challenging missions, which will offer even higher rewards!

In addition to $SLS, a fee in $RUDE will be required for advancing your level after enough experience points have been added (Souls). Starting at 50 RUDE (level 1) and increasing by 10 RUDE for each level.


Depending on the total sum of the stats, the pets will have a different Grade: B, A, S, S+.

How can pets acquire $SLS?

In addition to the missions, pets will have daily rewards of $SLS. Each pet will get distributed 1 $SLS daily, which can accumulate up to 7 $SLS per pet. After 7 days of leaving your rewards unclaimed, the pets will no longer accumulate $SLS. So, if you leave them longer than 7 days, you will still only be able to claim 7 $SLS per pet.

The Power of Nature

In the future, the pets will be able to access special functions of the laboratory, to channel the power of natures different elements. Pets will acquire unique features based on their element, which they can use in battles in the “CroSkull Rivals” game.

Last updated